Sometimes it's necessary to take a step back and remember who's in control.
One of the more contemplative songs that we've done so far, Be Still reminds us that no matter what is happening
in this world, Christ is sovereign over all of it, and our hope is found in Him alone.
Recording note: the bass guitar was recorded separately after the main recording was finished. All of the other instruments and vocals were recorded live.
Verse 1:
My hope is not in this world
It is fading, it is failing
My hope cannot be destroyed
Though the mountains
Crumble to the heart of the sea
Nations may rage, kingdoms may fall
You see it all
At the sound of Your voice the earth melts like wax
You sustain it all
Be still, be still
He is God
Be still, be still
Stand in silent awe
He will be exalted above all
Verse 2:
My joy cannot be contained
My sin has been forgiven for Jesus Christ is risen
My joy is the power of His name
Our chains shall all be broken
The downcast and forgotten rejoice
Love's great sacrifice, we're freely justified
By the blood of the Lamb
Jesus the King has conquered the grave
He holds our victory
(Repeat chorus & tag)
Verse 3:
My God will end all the wars
Every desolation will be a new creation
My God, His eyes burn like fire
With face like sunlight shining
Glory much too fierce to behold
Faithful and true, righteous and just
Worthy of all praise
The first and the last, almighty Lord of Lords
He reigns forevermore
(Repeat chorus three times, then repeat tag twice)