Posted 7 years ago by Open Skies Praise

In John 4:24, Jesus says that those who worship God must worship Him in spirit and in truth. We aim to create music that expresses a passion for God, and is also thoroughly grounded in the truth of scripture. We also feel that while worshipping God through music, it's very important to understand what you're singing.

With this in mind, we have added a new feature to the Open Skies Praise website: Bible references. Each song now contains a list of verses that either inspired the song or are related to its lyrics. We hope that you find these references useful when checking out our songs, planning services, or even in your personal worship and study time.

We also have three new songs to listen to from our Fall Jam 2017 recording, so check them out on the songs page! Know You More and Be Still are original compositions, and Nothing But The Blood (I Will Praise Him) is a new arrangement of two separate hymns.